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ClearClipboard v1.07-1
ClearClipboard v1.07-1 ClearClipboard is a simple tool that will periodically clear your clipboard. This is useful, for example, to hide sensitive information, such as passwords. The clear timeout can be configured freely and defaults to 30 seconds. Also, the clipboard will not simply be cleared at a fixed interval. Instead, the clear timer will be reset every time that new content is copied to the clipboard. This ensures that only "stale" content will be cleared; recently copied content will never be cleared away. Note: The ClearClipboard program runs "hidden" in the background. However, there will be an icon in the notification area, which can be used to control or terminate ClearClipboard. Only one instance of ClearClipboard can be running at a time. System requirements ClearClipboard runs on Windows Vista or newer. The "x64" version requires a 64-Bit version of Windows Vista or newer. Windows XP is not supported due to the lack of the AddClipboardFormatListener system function! Windows 10 Warning Windows 10 contains some "problematic" features that can put a risk on sensitive information copied to the clipboard: The first of those features is called Clipboard History, which will silently keep a history (copy) of all data that has been copied to clipboard at some time. This history will persist even after the clipboard has been cleared! The second feature is called Automatic Syncing (Cloud Clipboard), which will automatically upload all data that is copied to clipboard to the Microsoft cloud servers – purportedly to synchronize the clipboard between your devices! We highly recommend to disable both of these features in order to keep your data safe and allow ClearClipboard to function as expected. To the best of our knowledge, the most reliable way to achieve this is to completely disabled the "Clipboard History" (cbdhsvc) system service. ClearClipboard will now detect ...
5/5 3,923 Apr 11, 2021
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=""border="0">
Directory Size Calculator 1.0
Directory Size Calculator 1.0 Tool for recursively calculating the total size of a directory tree.
5/5 5,022 Dec 21, 2021
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=" Size Calculator1_th.png"border="0">
Double File Scanner 2.04
Double File Scanner 2.04 This tool allows for detecting duplicate files on your hard-drive quickly, based on SHA-1 hashes. 1. Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The purpose of this tool is scanning the selected directory or directories for duplicate files, i.e. files with identical content. Duplicate files are identified by first calculating the SHA-1 digest of each file and then looking for values that appear more than once. In particular, files with identical content are guaranteed to have the same SHA-1 digest, while files with differing content will have different SHA-1 values with very high certainty. All computed SHA-1 values are stored in a hash table, so collisions are found quickly and we do NOT need to compare every digest to every other one. Also, the files are processed concurrently in multiple "worker" threads in order to parallelize and speed-up the SHA-1 computations on multi-core processors. On our test machine it took ~15 minutes to analyse all the ~260,000 files on the system drive (~63.5 GB). During this operation ~44,000 duplicates were found. Once the scan is completed, the program provides commands to review, rename or delete the duplicate files manually. Alternatively, the "automatic clean-up" wizard may be invoked in order to remove ALL redundant files at a single blow. Optionally, the list of duplicates can be exported to the XML or INI format. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 2. Platform Support ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The following platforms are supported: - Windows 8 and 8.1, 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions - Windows 7, 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions - Windows XP, Service Pack 3 is required! Platforms that should work too, but are not tested extensively: - Windows Vista, 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions - Windows XP Professional x64 Edition, Service Pack 2 is required! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3. Anti-Virus Warning ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Anti-Virus programs can interfere with the Double File Scanner software and significantly slow down the process! Therefore it is highly recommend to turn off the "real time scanner" or "guard" feature of your Anti-Virus program while the Double File Scanner is running. But don't forget to re-enable ...
5/5 5,106 Dec 21, 2021
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=" File Scanner1_th.png"border="0">
INetGet for Windows v1.02
INetGet for Windows v1.02 Simple command-line tool for downloading files via HTTP(S) or FTP, based on the WinINet API. This program provides a similar functionality as the well-known WGet and cURL tools. However, in contrast to those, INetGet is based directly on the "native" Windows Internet programming interface (WinINet). This comes at the advantage that INetGet is very small and lightweight, as it uses the HTTP(S) and FTP services provided by the operating system, instead of having to implement these protocols on its own. There are no external dependencies (e.g. OpenSSL or GnuTLS), except for standard system libraries that are present on every Windows system anyway. Still, advanced features, such as HTTPS and IPv6, are supported. Furthermore, since INetGet is based on the Windows crypto libraries, it uses the Windows certificate store. This means that, in contrast the aforementioned tools, you do not need to provide and maintain your own certificate bundle for HTTPS. Certificate updates as well as security fixes for the underlying cryptographic routines are automatically provided, via Windows Update. On the downside, you will have to trust Microsoft's protocol implementations. And the availability of some features depends on the Windows version. System Requirements INetGet works on Windows Vista or any later Windows version. Windows XP should work too, but is not recommended these days! The 32-Bit version of INetGet runs on all 32-Bit and 64-Bit Windows versions, while the 64-Bit version of INetGet requires a 64-Bit Windows version. IPv6 support requires Internet Explorer 7 or later. Note that all supported Windows versions (Vista or later) already meet this requirement. Windows XP requires manual update to IE7 in order to enable IPv6 support. As far as HTTPS support is concerned, all relevant Windows versions (XP or later) support TLS 1.0 as well as the deprecated SSL 2.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols. Support for ...
5/5 5,061 Dec 01, 2019
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=" for Windows1_th.png"border="0">
Memory Checker v1.2.3
Memory Checker v1.2.3 A simple memory stress-testing tool. It is useful to test the reliability of your computer's main memory (RAM) under “high” load. Because the Memory Checker runs as a “normal” Windows application, it is very easy to use. See the limitations below. Disclaimer Memory Checker puts a high stress on your computer's hardware and thus may trigger hardware problems that otherwise would have remained unnoticed. Be patient when running this tool. Your computer may appear to be frozen but it is not. It is possible that this will cause your system to crash. In extremely rare circumstances even permanent damage or data loss is possible! In no event will the authors of this program be liable to you for damages, including any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use or inability to use the program; including but not limited to loss of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other programs. By running this program on your machine, you acknowledge and agree that the use of this program is at your own risk. Synopsis The Memory Checker program is invoked as follows: MemoryChecker.exe [OPTIONS] [<target_memory_size>[%]] [<threads>] Specifying the amount of memory to be tested and the number of threads to be used is optional. If not specified explicitly, default values apply. The amount of memory to be tested can be specified as a percentage of the total physical memory. Note: Its is highly recommended to close all other programs that are running on your machine before the Memory Checker tool is launched. Options The following command-line options are available: --batch: Exit the program immediately (i.e. do not wait for a key press) when the test has completed or failed. --continuous: ...
5/5 2,339 Feb 12, 2023
LoRd_MuldeR <img src=""border="0">
SlunkCrypt v1.3.0
SlunkCrypt v1.3.0 An experimental cross-platform cryptography library. SlunkCrypt is an experimental cross-platform cryptography library and command-line tool. A fully-featured GUI is provided for the Windows platform. Encryption algorithm The SlunkCrypt algorithm is based on core concepts of the well-known Enigma machine but with numerous improvements, largely inspired by R. Anderson’s “A Modern Rotor Machine”: The original Enigma machine had only three (or, in some models, four) rotors, plus a static “reflector” wheel. In SlunkCrypt, we uses 256 simulated rotors for an improved security. Furthermore, the original Enigma machine supported only 26 distinct symbols, i.e. the letters A to Z. In SlunkCrypt, we use 256 distinct symbols, i.e. the byte values 0x00 to 0xFF, which allows the encryption (and decryption) of arbitrary streams of bytes, rather than just plain text. Of course, SlunkCrypt can encrypt (and decrypt) text files as well. In the original Enigma machine, the signal passes through the rotors twice, once in forward direction and then again in backwards direction – thus the “reflector” wheel. This way, the Enigma’s encryption was made involutory, i.e. encryption and decryption were the same operation. While this was highly convenient, it also severely weakened the cryptographic strength of the Enigma machine, because the number of possible permutations was reduced drastically! This is one of the main reasons why the Enigma machine eventually was defeated. In SlunkCrypt, the signal passes through the simulated rotors just once, in order to maximize the number of possible permutations. This eliminates the most important known weakness of the Enigma machine. Obviously, in SlunkCrypt, separate “modes” for encryption and decryption need to be provided, since encryption and decryption no longer are the same operation. In the original Enigma machine, the rightmost rotor was moved, by one step, after every symbol. Meanwhile, all ...
5/5 1,534 Dec 15, 2022
LoRd MuldeR <img src=""border="0">
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