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 Home » Freeware Downloads » General Education/Teaching Resources » Quiz/Survey/Test Online v3.12.02   
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Quiz/Survey/Test Online v3.12.02

A free, complete, heavy duty, open source assessment solution.
For Windows (English and French), macOS, Linux and Android.

Want to create an online or mobile quiz, survey or test? From a quick quiz on your phone to high stakes proctored desktop testing, our QST Builder interface makes it simple. The numerous features (WYSIWYG, Equation and Basic Editors, Question Bank, Multiple Question Types, Multiple Delivery Styles, Multiple Delivery Options, Export/Import/Convert Questions, Multiple Results Options, Randomly Chosen Questions, Branching Questions/Skip Logic, Auto Marking, Print a QST, Schedule a QST, Bulk upload students/instructors/classes, Real time results, etc.) in open source QST rival or surpass those found in commercial online examination and survey software systems. QST - GradeBook allows you to view/mark users quizzes and tests/exam and see detailed statistics for each quiz/survey/test and question(s) in it. GradeBook also allows entering marks for other assignments and adding weights(%) to qst's and assignments for a Complete Assessment Solution.

  • A French version of QST is now available. See below. Spanish version coming soon!
  • Free account at Try it out!
  • We support our software. Contact us at
    or through the Wiki or Discussion forum here.
  • Rebrand or change QST.
  • No license needed for commercial use. Licensed under GPL v2.
  • Runs on your network on your hardware.
  • Install on laptop, desktop, server or cloud. Easily update.
  • Also will run on AWS (Amazon Web Services) and Azure.
  • Easily scales to thousands of simultaneous users and more. See Hardware_and_Performance_Tuning.txt
  • Minimal user instruction required.
  • Convert QST interface to your language in Another Language Pack
  • On android at
    or download it here.
  • iPhone Safari
  • Secure, online, role based, controlled access quizzing/surveying/testing platform.
  • XTRASecure - a user can only be logged in once. When a user begins a QST, the QST is bound to that user, and another person logging in with the users credentials cannot access that QST.
  • Students photo and name show on their homepage for security on proctored tests
  • Compatible with Safe Exam Browser
  • An extremely stable and secure application. Security is inherent in the design matrix of QST.
  • Administrative interface to create/load/manage instructors, students and classes for an entire organization. Include institution ids. Manage encrypted passwords.
  • Access to QST's is easily controlled by the instructors.
  • One-click reset all students in an organization
  • One-click remove all students from an organization
  • Bulk upload users photos
  • Multiple organizations can use one instance of QST.
  • Create separate Administrators for each Organization
  • Communal Organization Question Bank. Each organization has it's own question bank.
  • Create Question Bank Administrators for each organization.
  • WYSIWYG, Equation and Basic Editors allow for a complete range of question and answer displays.
  • QST EQ - Advanced WYSIWYG editor for creating equations, formulas, symbols, logic. MathML, Tex, Latex and AsciiMath.
  • GradeBook - Where you interpret all the results. Makes QST a complete standalone Assessment Solution.
  • File Manager - upload your images to use in your questions/answers, manage your images, reuse images in other questions/answers. Also upload pdf's to use in questions.
  • Insert multiple images, equations, symbols, javascript, HTML, video, audio, etc. you wish to display in questions or answers. Even alter the source code of the questions to create stunning and visually appealing QST's.
  • 7 types of questions: Multiple Choice, Multiple Answer, MatchXng, True/False, Yes/No, Short Answer and Paragraph/Essay.
  • True/False, Yes/No, Multiple Answer, Multiple Choice and MatchXng are auto marking.
  • Likert Survey question of Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree.
  • Branching Questions/Skip Logic - next question(s) based on current answer.
  • Assign marks to a question.
  • Display answers in columns.
  • PDF's can be added to questions using the Basic editor
  • Create folders to organize your questions and qst's.
  • Each instructor has their own question/quiz/survey/test bank.
  • Change a question and save as new.
  • Copy/Paste questions into other folders/categories.
  • Copy questions from Question Bank to your own bank.
  • Questions can be used in other QST's.
  • Export/Import questions (images and pdf's included) as QST XML. Share your questions with other QST users or your Question Bank Administrator.
  • Export/Import Moodle XML questions: multiple choice (one or many answers), matching, true/false, short answer and essay. Includes images in questions and answers.
  • Export/Import QTI 2/3 open format questions : multiple choice (one or many answers), matching, true/false, short answer and essay. Includes images in questions and answers and also rubrics.
  • Import publishers test banks (in QTI open format)
  • Import questions, answers and images in Word doc files saved as our simple format
  • Auto format conversion - export as QST XML, Moodle XML or QTI open format
  • Preview questions and qst's while creating them.
  • Re-order questions in a qst.
  • Easily Branch your answers to other questions.
  • Configure your QST to randomly display X questions from a group(s) of questions for each student.
  • The entire QST can consist of randomly selected questions for each student.
  • Shuffle (the same) questions for each student.
  • Shuffle answers - question answers order is randomized
  • Set the date/time range for QST's to be taken.
  • Display QST in a new window (resizable) or in a modal.
  • Multiple Delivery Styles: Paper - All Questions; Single Question - Jump; Single Question - Next; Single Question - Answer; Single Question - Branch.
  • Multiple Results Options: Display Mark Only, Display Mark and All Marked Questions , No Display.
  • Choose who may attempt a QST.
  • Set how long the user has to complete the QST.
  • Displays time remaining in QST.
  • Users are notified when there are 5 min. and 1 min. remaining in qst.
  • Users can be allowed to view their submitted quizzes and tests.
  • Record Mark.
  • Can be configured to record their highest mark, if they are given multiple attemps.
  • Captures the start and end times the quiz or test was taken.
  • Allow users to re-take a QST.
  • Add additional time to a users QST.
  • Allow a user to resume a QST they had started.
    vResuming a QST starts the user at their last answered question.
  • View individual users quizzes and tests while they are taking them.
  • View individual users finished quizzes and tests.
  • Mark users quizzes/tests (short answer and paragraph questions).
  • Add Bonus marks for quizzes and tests.
  • View detailed Stats, analyze QST's.
  • Stats - View the total number of correct, incorrect, no answers and partial answers for a QST.
  • Stats - View the number of correct, incorrect, no answers and partial answers for a question in a quiz/test.
    vStats - View who answered the question correct, incorrect, no answer or partial answer.
  • Stats - View how many users attempted a question.
  • Stats - View how many times each answer was chosen.
  • Stats - Download QST Details in .csv to import into your spreadsheet program for further analysis.
  • Rename a QST.
  • Copy a QST.
  • Print a QST and/or print an answer sheet.
  • Survey results are anonymous.
  • Can create Assignments in Gradebook to add in to their total mark.
  • Assign weights(%) to quizzes, tests and assignments.
  • Develop Total Marks for users.
  • Download (as .csv or .json) your GradeBook and import into your spreadsheet program. Including institution ids and usernames. Upload to your LMS.
  • Set your own limits for file uploads.
  • LDAP Authentication is available.
  • Works in all major browsers.

This download is for the Windows version. It contains the files to install Perl and MySQL and Apache on Windows.
All other download assets are below:

Linux/macOS Install:

French Version (Spanish coming soon):

The .apk's are only for taking a QST.
Download qst-android-http.apk to test your server on your local network (just add the ip address of your server in Server) on your android device connected to your wifi network.
- This does not require a SSL certificate and is not secure!

Download qst-android-https.apk if you have a self signed or real certificate for your server (for your android device).
- This ensures the security of the application.
- This is the same one as in the Google Play Store.


Click here to visit the author's website.
Continue below for the main download link.

Downloads Views Developer Last Update Version Size Type Rank
1,621 3,041 Bob Smith <img src=""border="0"> Mar 13, 2024 - 12:54 3.12.02 131.41MB ZIP 5/5, out of 19 Votes.
File Tags
Quiz/Survey/Test  v3.12.02  Online  
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