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 Home » Freeware Downloads » Office, Home Office, Business and Writing » Text Conversion, Indexing and Other Text Tools » HastyScribe v1.12.1   
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HastyScribe v1.12.1

HastyScribe is a simple command-line program able to convert markdown files into HTML files.


hastyscribe filename-or-glob-expression [ <options> ]


filename-or-glob-expression is a valid file or glob expression that will be compiled into HTML.
The following options are supported:
--field/<field>=<value> causes HastyScribe to set a custom field to a specific value.
--notoc causes HastyScribe to output HTML documents without automatically generating a Table of Contents at the start.
--user-css=<file> causes HastyScribe to insert the contents of the specified local file as a CSS stylesheet.
--user-js=<file> causes HastyScribe to insert the contents of the specified local file as a Javascript script.
--output-file=<file> causes HastyScribe to write output to a local file (Use --output-file=- to output to standard output).
--watermark=<file> causes HastyScribe to embed and display an image as a watermark throughout the document.
--fragment causes HastyScribe to output just an HTML fragment instead of a full document, without embedding any image, font or stylesheet.
--dump=all|styles|fonts causes HastyScribe to dump all resources/stylesheets/fonts to the current directory.

Why is HastyScribe different from other markdown converters?


It is a cross-platform, self-contained executable file.
It can generate standalone HTML files.
It comes with its own stylesheet, which is automatically embedded into every HTML document, along with all the needed web fonts.
It is built on top of Discount, which means that besides standard markdown you also get:
automatic Table of Contents generation
SmartyPants substitutions
paragraph centering
image sizes
definition lists
alphabetic lists
pseudo-protocols to generate span tags with arbitrary CSS classes, abbr tags, and anchors
class blocks
fenced code blocks
Pandoc-style document headers
It automatically embeds any referenced image as data URI.
It has supports for text snippets, custom fields, and substitution macros.

What can I use it for?

HastyScribe is best suited to produce self-contained documents such as essays, meeting notes, project status documents, and articles.

What language is HastyScribe implemented in?

HastyScribe is implemented in Nim, a very expressive language that compiles to C and is able to generate small, standalone and self-contained executable files.

This download is for the Windows version.
If you need the MacOS version, download here.
If you need the Linux version, download here.

Click here to visit the author's website.
Continue below for the main download link.

Downloads Views Developer Last Update Version Size Type Rank
3,032 4,200 Fabio Cevasco <img src=""border="0"> Oct 07, 2020 - 11:47 1.12.1 1.21MB ZIP 5/5, out of 34 Votes.
File Tags
v1.12.1  HastyScribe  
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