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Alt-Tab Terminator v3.9

Manage Multiple Windows and Switch Tasks Faster with Alt-Tab Terminator

Alt-Tab Terminator is an elegant and powerful task management utility for Windows 7/8/10. Once installed, it replaces the default Alt-Tab dialog with a nice box that shows a list of all running tasks, with their names and preview snapshots, and enables the user to take actions on them using the mouse and keyboard shortcuts. Alt-Tab Terminator is the direct successor to VistaSwitcher and TaskSwitchXP.

An average PC-user switches between windows with Alt+Tab hundreds of times per day! It’s one of the most common actions performed on a computer. With Alt-Tab Terminator, you can not only switch tasks faster, but have the full control over any opened window, all within one click away.
Brand New Task Switcher

The main advantage of Alt-Tab Terminator is a brand new switching window. Unlike to the standard Alt-Tab, it shows a live desktop preview of the selected application and an easy-to-read relevant list of tasks with titled icons so you can find the one you need immediately at a glance.

Task Preview: Visualization is the key point. Alt-Tab Terminator shows you the exact live desktop preview of the application you want to switch to, even if it has multiple child windows.

Quick & Easy Navigation: Navigate through the task list with the keyboard (Tab, Arrow Keys, Home, End, etc.) or the mouse – simply place the mouse pointer over a task or use the mouse wheel.

Clear Large Labels: Multiple window titles are arranged on a vertical task list; a large icon is placed by each one of them. Finding the right window has become much quicker.

Customization: Press the Menu button in the top-left corner of the switching window to access the program menu and settings.

Full Screen Mode: Press F11 or click the Full Screen button in the bottom-left corner to maximize the switcher window to the whole screen.

You’ll never turn back to the old wretched Alt-Tab dialog again!
Manage Windows with Ease

With Alt-Tab Terminator, you get the full control over any opened window – you can close, minimize, maximize, restore the main window, run a new copy or even terminate the application.

You can press F4 a few times in a row to close windows one by one without activating them.
Support for Windows 10 and UAC

Alt-Tab Terminator works with 32-bit and 64-bit applications, even if you run them with administrative privileges. It also supports high DPI and modern Metro apps on Windows 10.

And last but least – Alt-Tab Terminator is FREE, forever!

Alt-Tab Terminator runs only on Windows 7/8/10, 32-bit and 64-bit. The native 64-bit version is included in the setup package and installed automatically.

Alt-Tab Terminator v3.9 - Maintenance Release

Changelog for Alt-Tab Terminator v3.9 (April 28, 2019):

Fixed saving language option after restart
Some other minor improvements and bug fixes

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Downloads Views Developer Last Update Version Size Type Rank
5,929 10,710 NTWind Software <img src=" Terminator1_th.png"border="0"> Jul 02, 2020 - 19:41 3.9 3.31MB EXE 5/5, out of 70 Votes.
File Tags
v3.9  Alt-Tab  Terminator  
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