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 Home » Freeware Downloads » Hard Disk Utilities and Cloning » HDClone X.2 Free Edition v11.0.8   
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HDClone X.2 Free Edition v11.0.8

The Universal Cloning Tool

HDClone cre­ates phys­i­cal or log­i­cal cop­ies (clones) and file im­ages of hard disks and oth­er mass stor­age me­dia. HDClone is the per­fect tool for back­ups and for cre­ating cop­ies of en­tire soft­ware or operating system in­stal­la­tions. A spe­cial Safe­Rescue mode makes HDClone an in­valu­able tool for res­cu­ing de­fec­tive hard disks and oth­er me­dia. HDClone works in­de­pen­dent of par­ti­tion­ing scheme, file system and operating system. It also works with pro­pri­e­tary for­mats which would oth­er­wise be in­ac­ces­si­ble.

HDClone X.2 is the legitimate successor of HDClone X. Thislatest version of HDClone is a seamless continuation of itssuccessful predecessor HDClone X, which is why we chose toname it X.2. This does not mean that HDClone X.2 is a sub-release of HDClone X, but instead the namereflects thatHDClone X.2 is the result of having taken HDClone X to thenext level. This is also evident by the list of new features. Wehave consistently advanced the development of HDClone in allaspects. Aside from the main features, we have improved uponmany details in order to make HDClone even easier and moreefficient to use. Once again, these improvements were alsoaided by the ideas and suggestions that we welcomed from theHDClone community. In addition to the nine existing HDClone language versions English, German, French, Italian, Spanish,Portuguese, Polish, Russian and Turkish, HDClone X.2 is now also available in Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese. This expansion of our language version lineup is our response to the steadily growing worldwide popularity of our products, especially HDClone, which is evidenced by our customers in 169 countries.What’s New?HDClone X.2 comes with two completely new apps – ResumeImage for data rescue, specifically when it comes to disks with thermal issues, and DirectCopy, which can create fast (SmartCopy) 1:1 copies. In addition, six apps have been significantly improved. With HDClone X.2, you can now create images in the ESXi image format and convert images to ESXi with the ImageConvert app. The OS-Adjust app lets you change the Windows SID while copying or restoring. The DirectRestore app can now also restore image overlays.Two new applets have also been added. The SafeDisk applet lets you manage and view disk security settings, including the new DiskQuarantine feature. Its purpose is to prevent issues when copying or imaging corrupted file systems. The Online Services applet with the remote status functionallows you to monitor program processes online and sends out email notificationsto alert to completed processes. Once a process is completed, HDClone X.2 allows you to immediately view the report within the app, in addition to saving it, either as a PDF or a text file, The Spot File Manager has been advanced and can now be used to view all files with the auxiliaries Pad (text) and Hex (hex editor). New to the Spot File Manager is the auxiliary Pic, whichallows you view pictures (PNG, JPG and GIF formats). As always, the drivers for the self-booting Symobi-based HDClone variant (HDClone/S) have been further developed andoptimized. Especially noteworthy: the support for Intel network controllers (LAN) has been significantly enhanced and support for Intel SATA/NVMe combi controllers on modern Intel chipsets and the new Intel VMD controller has been added.

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Downloads Views Developer Last Update Version Size Type Rank
2,956 5,133 Miray <img src=""border="0"> Jun 24, 2021 - 12:08 11.0.8 82.63MB EXE 5/5, out of 19 Votes.
File Tags
HDClone  Free  Edition  X.2  v11.0.8  
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