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Electronic Evidence Workbook 2022

Used in Craig Ball's three credit E-Discovery and Digital Evidence course at the University of Texas Law School, UT Computer Science School and UT School of Information.

From the author:
"The chapters on processing are extensively revamped. I’m hell bent on making encoding understandable, and I’ve incorporated the new Processing Glossary I wrote for the EDRM. Glossaries are no one’s idea of light reading, but I hope this one proves a handy reference as the students cram for the five quizzes and final exam they’ll face."

"Recognizing that a crucial component of competence in electronic discovery is mastering the arcane argot of legaltech, I’ve added Vital Vocabulary lists throughout, concluded chapters with Key Takeaway callouts and, for the first time, broken the Workbook into volumes such that this release covers just the first eight classes, almost entirely Information Technology."

"Come Spring Break in mid-March, I’ll release the revamped omnibus volume adding new practical exercises in Search, Processing, Production, Review and Meet & Confer and introducing new tools. Because university students use Mac machines more than Windows PCs, the exercises ahead employ Cloud applications so as to be wholly platform-independent. The second half of the course folds in more case law to the relief of law students and chagrin of CS and IS students. The non-law students do a great job on the law but approach it with trepidation; the law students kiss the terra firma of case law like white-knuckled passengers off a turbulent flight."

"Though written for grad students, the Workbook is also written for you, Dear Reader. If you’ve longed to learn more about information technology and e-discovery but never knew quite where or how to start, perhaps the 2022 Workbook is your gateway. The law students at UT Austin pay almost $60,000 per year for their educations; I’ll settle for a little feedback from you when you read it."
~ Craig D. Ball, P.C.

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3,195 3,699 Craig D. Ball, P.C. <img src=""border="0"> Apr 11, 2022 - 12:06 2022 12.37MB PDF 5/5, out of 27 Votes.
File Tags
Electronic  Evidence  Workbook  2022  
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