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 Home » Freeware Downloads » Programming, Coding & Software Development » PICSimLab v0.8.9   
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PICSimLab v0.8.9

PICSimLab is a realtime emulator for PIC and Arduino.

PICSimLab is a realtime emulator of development boards with integrated MPLABX/avr-gdb debugger. PICSimLab supports some picsim microcontrollers and some simavr microcontrollers. PICSimLab have integration with MPLABX/Arduino IDE for programming the boards microcontrollers.

PICSimlab supports several devices (spare parts) that can be connected to the boards for simulation. As for example LEDs and push buttons for simple outputs and inputs and some more complex ones like the ethernet shield w5500 for internet connection or the color graphic display ili9340 with touchscreen. The the complete list of parts can be accessed in the documentation.


realtime emulation
arduino support

Documentation at

v0.8.9 (2021-07-25)

Support to TinyDebug message write added to Franzininho DIY board. [lcgamboa]

Support to open files using drag and drop. [lcgamboa]

Buzzer new passive mode Tone added. [lcgamboa]

New part Fixed Voltage. [lcgamboa]

New part SHT3X temperature and humidity sensor. [lcgamboa]

New part FM50 temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]

New part LM35 temperature sensor. [lcgamboa]

Support to dump Flash memory in rcontrol interface. [lcgamboa]

Support to dump RAM and internal EEPROM memory in rcontrol interface. [lcgamboa]

Support to save EEPROM of AVR MCU between PICSimLab sessions. [lcgamboa]

Pin Viewer tool added. [lcgamboa]

VCD Dump support to change external VCD viewer (eg. use pulseview instead gtkwave) [lcgamboa]

New part MPU6050 accel and gyro added (only raw values, no FIFO or DMP) [lcgamboa]

Support to only draw when need update to reduce cpu usage. [lcgamboa]

Rcontrol new command loadhex. [lcgamboa]

New board picture for Franzinino DIY. [dantop03]


Buzzer passive mode audio clicks removed. [lcgamboa]

Removed the problem that caused PICSimLab don't start when qemu-stm32 was not found. [lcgamboa]

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Downloads Views Developer Last Update Version Size Type Rank
2,610 5,215 Luis Claudio Gambôa Lopes <img src=""border="0"> Sep 14, 2021 - 11:55 0.8.9 24.44MB EXE 5/5, out of 32 Votes.
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PICSimLab  v0.8.9  
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