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AdiIRC v4.0

A free Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.

AdiIRC stores all its settings in text files, this way you can grab the adiirc folder and put in on a usb device or external harddrive. Take all your settings and servers with you everywhere!


Threaded Multiservers
System Informations
DCC Chat/File Transfers
Opacity and Transparency
Background Images
Full Message Logging
Easy Message Search
IRC logs browser/viewer
Advanced scripting
MTS Themes
Theme packs Icons fonts colors sounds emoticons scripts
Monitor Panels
Adjustable nick column
Proxy support
Nicklist/Treebar/Windows icons
Advanced server list
SASL support
IRCv3 compatible
Inline images/Animated gifs

AdiIRC 4.0 - 19-03-2021

Added IRCv3 "labeled-response" CAP checks when "echo-message" is enabled on supported servers
Added horizontal scrollbar to Channel List dialog
Added Tidal now playing support
Added option to match on no address in Nick colors/Nick icons
Added a target field in Notice Monitor Panel
Added option to enable/disable expanding parent Treebar folders on window focus
Added custom drawn emoticons grid to Options -> Emoticons and CTRL + E
Added option to run commands when drag/dropping files into a window
Added limited ANSI control codes support for incoming messages
Added option to enable/disable logging link characters
Added option to enable/disable tabcomplete in Editbox
Added option to enable/disable to cycle nicks on empty tabcomplete in Editbox
Added option to enable/disable tabcomplete of %variables in Editbox
Added option to cycle Editbox history using up/down keys with no modifier
Added option to set tabcomplete prefix in Editbox
Added tabcomplete support for DCC chat =<nick>
Added allow "Color nicks in messages" to work with custom nick colors
Added context based shortcut options for changing windows in all possible ways for Treebar/Switchbar/Global
Added shortcut options for changing windows in recent window order
Added use WHOX when available during "Track away status" requests
Added Serverlist options to set IRCv3 echo-message/server-time/SASL error/STS support per server
Added missing parameter dBytes for the LOADINFO DLL struct

Fixed channel links are not parsed correctly in some cases
Fixed using transparent main window causes flicker when joining channels
Fixed CTCP should display the arguments as well as the CTCP type
Fixed away notify should ignore messages to/from self
Fixed non supported/parsed RAW messages are not displayed correctly
Fixed aborting a DCC Transfer from the DCC Transfer Monitor Panel as sender does not always work
Fixed PCRE regex should not be used internally when PCRE support is not available or not working properly
Fixed RAW 005 is not parsed correctly in some casea
Fixed away system should be disabled on unsupported networks
Fixed notice messages are duplicated when IRCv3 cap "echo-message" is enabled
Fixed DDE server doesn't work properly with some clients
Fixed some urls are not cleared properly when clearing inline image cache
Fixed custom message font styles in text area should use inversion instead of control codes
Fixed various issues related to IRCv3 SETNAME support
Fixed IRCv3 FAIL/WARN/INFO standard replies should show the command and reply type
Fixed Serverlist should be "on top" when the main window is set to "on top"
Fixed moving a undocked Monitor Panel can cause a crash in some rare cases
Fixed exit via the tray icon creates a new confirmation window each time
Fixed aliases files are not cached correctly in memory
Fixed /NAMES nicks from non joined channels should be shown in the status window
Fixed Channel windows disappear from Treebar on disconnect when sort by connection status is enabled
Fixed Lag time shows a incorrect value
Fixed Ban/Except/Invite list timestamp is wrong on some networks
Fixed opening Serverlist can cause a crash in some rare cases
Fixed Edit Variables inst' working properly


Fixed User.RgbNickColor property always returns empty string


Added new parameter -UN for /debug
Added $mdate variable for monthly logging filenames
Added missing parameter -f for /ialfill
Added missing property .ial for $chan()
Added missing parameter -n for /clear
Added new parameter -C for /sockopen
Added new property .certfile for $sock()
Added new parameter -r for /serverlist
Added missing commands /vnotice, /vmsg
Added .pid property on $file() to return the PID of the executable file
Added append a "_" prefix for 004 tokens usermodes/channelmodes/channelmodesargs for $servervars()
Added missing property .unset for $var()
Added missing switch -mN for /write
Added missing switch "k" for $urlget()
Added missing property .fontdialogsize for $window()
Added missing identifiers $ticksqpc, $eventparms, $ansi2mirc()
Added -I to ignore ssl errors for /sockopen

Fixed /debug shouldn't trim spaces
Fixed $regml(), $regmlex() should treat named match "default" as "1"
Fixed $regex(), $regsub(), $regsubex() old named matches are not removed properly
Fixed /debug should show UTF8 encoded text
Fixed $~! is not parsed correctly
Fixed /debug should display the server hostname to outgoing RAW lines
Fixed $parms returns wrong value when using /tokenize
Fixed Op/Deop commands should use $modespl
Fixed some file identifiers does not strip quotes properly
Fixed /if /while "isop" operator returns wrong value on some networks
Fixed /dns -c should not show any output
Fixed /ialfill should not perform a request on a fully populated channel
Fixed on DISCONNECT does not trigger properly when closing the main window
Fixed /echo -l should use the first word in the line as "nick" in Highlights Monitor Panel
Fixed RAW 354 event doesn't trigger during /ialfill
Fixed /ialfill should be useable without -f until end of names
Fixed some $ial() entries are not cleared internally when leaving a channel
Fixed $comval() returns wrong item count on some Com objects
Fixed $hget() returns wrong value in some cases
Fixed $regmlex() should return $null instead of 0 for invalid parameters
Fixed /sockopen should use global or per server client certificate with ssl connections
Fixed $realname returns wrong value in some cases
Fixed $did() should not return newlines for "edit" items
Fixed /onotice, /omsg are not working properly
Fixed $base() input should return $null instead of 0 for invalid input
Fixed $regex(), $regsub(), $regsubex() empty pattern doesn't work
Fixed /sockopen read timeout is too low
Fixed $msgtags(tag) .key/.tag properties are swapped
Fixed $hnickm, $opnick and related identifiers can cause a crash in some events
Fixed /var can cause a crash in some rare cases
Fixed $ctime(), $asctime() does not work correctly with some formats in some regions
Fixed /timer -e doesn't work on paused timers
Fixed $replacex() should not replace $null substrings
Fixed $compress(), $decompress() mN parameter is not validated correctly
Fixed /if /while "isnum" operator returns wrong value in some cases
Fixed /ban -u timers are not stopped correctly when parting a channel or disconnecting
Fixed $readini(), /hload -i should remove trailing/leading quotes from values
Fixed /ban -uN doesn't work on multiple channels at the same time
Fixed /write is slow on very large files
Fixed $loop() \1 variable adds a extra whitespace
Fixed $loop() should restore $1- parameters after evaluation
Fixed $loop() should ignore fractions in start/end parameters
Fixed /dec /inc doesn't work properly when using negative numbers on non existent variables
Fixed /var calc, $floor, $ceil, $round, $hypot can cause a crash with very large numbers
Fixed /drawdot, /drawrect, $longip() some parameters does not properly ignore fractions
Fixed $window().fontsize should return a DPI aware size
Fixed /google and /google -d search is broken
Fixed $powmod() with negative exponent causes a crash
Fixed /part -k is not working properly
Fixed $comval() doesn't work in some cases
Fixed $hget().unset is always $null

Added RAW 004 tokens as usermodes, channelmodes, channelmodesargs to $servervars()
Added new parameters -S -W for /*line
Added missing parameters -p -f for /drawrot
Added new property .full for $regml()
Added missing parameters "trust" "packetsize" for /dcc
Added missing commands /drawsize, /playctrl
Added missing parameter -x for /fopen
Added new/missing identifiers $plugins(), $flinen, $inwho, $passivedcc
Added missing parameter [S] for $fline()
Added new switch H for $hfind()
Added missing property .auto for $cnick()
Added missing parameter -c for /timer
Added new property .back for $fread()
Added missing parameter -p for /fseek
Added new property .line for $fopen()

Allow using port range and multiple ports for /server

Fixed /drawdot is not drawn correctly in real time
Fixed $cb() should trim the last trailing new line
Fixed /server real name/full name with spaces doesn't work
Fixed $file() returns wrong values for folders
Fixed an issue with $inroundrect()
Fixed $servervars() has some invalid entries
Fixed /window sizes larger than monitor size doesn't work
Fixed Ini detection for aliases files doesn't work
Fixed /drawpic should not stretch images unless -s is specified
Fixed /dialog -i should be ignored when creating a dialog
Fixed custom windows should not show unreal line marker when disabled globally
Fixed $count() can cause a crash with empty paramteres
Fixed /cnick should use transparent/no background color by default
Fixed /aop /avoice /protect should update matching nick colors/nick icons in real time
Fixed $urlget($null) should return $null
Fixed when the away system is enabled /away should only enable away instead of toggle away on/off
Fixed /did -c does not work on dialog "edit" items
Fixed $input() should not return $timeout when the Editbox or Combobox is visible
Fixed $trust() doesn't return a value for the first item in the list
Fixed "." prefix doesn't work for /.!&amp;
Fixed $msgtags(N) .key/.tag properties are swapped
Fixed /drawcopy -t is not updating the window in real time
Fixed $did().cstate returns wrong value for checked list items during on DIALOG SCLICK event
Fixed /links is not working
Fixed /query should show an error if the target is a channel name
Fixed $didwm(), $didreg() can cause a crash on empty dialog items
Fixed /drawtext background colors in control codes are not working
Fixed /drawdot some parameters are not validated correctly
Fixed $mouse.x, $mouse.y returns wrong values in some cases
Fixed $file().attr should returns letter indicators instead of text
Fixed /ban, /ignore should use /USERHOST when hostname is missing
Fixed /bcopy should zeropad up to start bytes
Fixed $hfind(,R) is not working properly
Fixed $sock().addr returns $null for listening sockets
Fixed $sockname is not set properly in on SOCKLISTEN
Fixed /bcopy should not truncate appended bytes
Fixed /bcopy should show an error message if the copied bytes doesn't fit
Fixed /bcopy can cause a crash with some parameters
Fixed $regsubex() is slow with large strings
Fixed /iline with N larger than current line count + 1 should be ignored
Fixed Scripts, alias, vars, users, menus, nicklist button files should be cached and read from memory
Fixed /*line line colors are sometimes incorrectly reset or using wrong defaults
Fixed listbox text/background colors are sometimes wrong when extended colors is disabled
Fixed /rline should insert a line if N is equal to current line count
Fixed /rline should remove selection unless -s or -a is specified
Fixed /*line should use active window if @window is not specified
Fixed $sline().ln is one off
Fixed /rline switches can be before or after the color parameter
Fixed $biton(), $bitoff() N parameter is optional
Fixed accessing $nick during a on NICK event can cause a internal crash
Fixed /close, /window -c should ignore closing window warnings
Fixed /drawrot x y w h parameters is not validated correctly
Fixed errors in /while are sometimes shown as /if
Fixed $lines() should return 0 for files with overflow number of lines
Fixed &amp;binvar should be available during a $dll() which calls WM_MEVALUATE/WM_MCOMMAND
Fixed $asctime() parameters is not validated correctly
Fixed /hload should ignore uneven last line
Fixed /unset removes both local and global variable with the same name in some cases
Fixed /if /while is not validating parentheses properly
Fixed /if /while is not properly combining text/%vars in some cases
Fixed /alias should not show "replaced alias" message
Fixed /filter is not prioritizing output target switches correctly
Fixed /saveini removes some temporary variables from memory
Fixed /filter should scroll text area to bottom
Fixed on OPEN can cause a crash
Fixed $com(), $comcall() should allow null characters when using "array" parameters
Fixed /halt in $read(,p) piped lines should halt the script
Fixed $inpaste is not set correctly in some cases
Fixed local %variables/$identifiers/&amp;binvars in $read() are not evaluated correctly
Fixed /dccparam should be aliases for /dcc <param>
Fixed $&amp; should show identifier warning in the middle of a line
Fixed consecutive spaces are not parsed correctly in aliases
Fixed /socklist can cause a crash
Fixed /fopen should be opened in shared write mode
Fixed /enable /disable error output should be hidden when using /.
Fixed $input() can have a numerical option value
Fixed /alias sometimes can't find the right alias to replace
Fixed /write can use both -lN and -l N
Fixed $readini(), $read() evaluation errors in items are not shown correctly
Fixed negative numbers in $calc() $calcint() is sometimes not parsed correctly
Fixed $read() is slow
Fixed $$ should not be evaluated
Fixed curly brackets in commented lines is not parsed correctly
Fixed various identifiers should accept invalid utf8 surrogates
Fixed $regsub() should not replace escape chars before evaluation
Fixed /iallfill does not set Realname/Fullname properly
Fixed $fread() should not set $feof on empty lines
Fixed /fopen names should be case insensitive
Fixed $hfind() halting in the alias parameter should halt the entire script
Fixed $ferr should return 0 or 1
Fixed /fopen should still add the name and not halt the script on error
Fixed $ferr is not reset properly in some cases
Fixed orphaned custom windows should be associated with the first server window
Fixed /txt2bin, /bin2txt should be ignored in server windows
Fixed $urlget().redirect returns wrong value
Fixed &amp;binvars should be available during /signal -n
Fixed $bytes() doesn't work with big numbers
Fixed slow /timers sometimes shows timer ended message multiple times
Fixed /timer -p should keep counting down
Fixed /fseek -l 1 doesn't work properly
Fixed /fseek, $fread(), /bread should work with $cr lines as well
Fixed /fseek -w -r doesn't work on some lines
Fixed /fseek should show a message on matches/line changes
Fixed $file(name) doesn't work properly
Fixed /fclose should show an error when there is no match
Fixed /flist, /fclose, $fopen().fname shows wrong filename
Fixed /fseek -n doesn't work without the N parameter
Fixed /dns doesn't work on users with no hostname
Fixed $bytes() fractions should be rounded
Fixed /break should only break inside /while loops
Fixed /window +switches have wrong priority in some cases
Fixed /splay is not properly closing the player when a song ends
Fixed /sockopen /sockudp with invalid bind ip address/port should show an error
Fixed /socklist output are not shown correctly
Fixed /socklisten port selection is not working properly
Fixed /google search is broken
Fixed ":" character is not stripped from some RAW messages
Fixed $sock().bindip returns wrong value for udp sockets

This download is for the 64bit version. If you need the 32bit version, download here.

Click here to visit the author's website.
Continue below for the main download link.

Downloads Views Developer Last Update Version Size Type Rank
4,840 8,475 Per Amundsen <img src=""border="0"> Aug 16, 2021 - 11:34 4.0 1.81MB ZIP 5/5, out of 35 Votes.
File Tags
AdiIRC  v4.0  
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